Curso de Oracle 10g: Afinamiento Sentencias SQL

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Natália Morales

Natália Morales

Curso de Oracle 10g: Afinamiento Sentencias SQL

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Curso de Oracle 10g: Afinamiento Sentencias SQL deberá ser cursado a través de una modalidad presencial.
  • Número de horas
    La duración total del programa será de 24 horas.
  • Titulación oficial
    El participante podría recibir una certificación que acredite las horas cursadas.
  • Valoración del programa
    El Afinamiento Sentencias SQL tiene como objetivo principal entregar a los participantes las herramientas necesarias para que desarrollen las habilidades y destrezas necesarias en la sincronización SQL en la base de datos Oracle 10g. El plan de estudios incluye desde la arquitectura dedicada a la construcción de bases de datos, hasta la optimización de operaciones que influirán directamente en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones.
  • Precio del curso
    Consultar precio.
  • Dirigido a
    El programa puede ser cursado por administradores de sistemas, programadores, desarrolladores y en general todos aquellos individuos que estén relacionados con el área y deseen obtener este conocimiento.

Comentarios sobre Curso de Oracle 10g: Afinamiento Sentencias SQL - Presencial - Las Condes - Metropolitana Santiago

  • Contenido
    Curso de Oracle 10g: Afinamiento Sentencias SQL

    Duración: 24 hrs

    This course is designed to give the experienced SQL Developer or DBA a firm foundation in SQL tuning techniques. The participant learns the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively tune SQL in the Oracle Database 10g. They learn about tuning methodology as well proactive tuning and reactive tuning methods. Students are introduced to the benefits of the new automatic tuning mechanisms available in Oracle Database 10g. On completion of the course they are able to compare and contrast the steps involved to tune manually as in prior releases as well as use the automatic SQL tuning features provided in the current release. Students gain a thorough conceptual understanding of the Oracle Optimizer, and reinforce instructor-led learning with structured hands-on practices. The course uses a series of challenge-level workshops, allowing students to "play, discover, and learn" at their own level and pace. The students learn to use the Oracle diagnostic tools and facilities: Automatic SQL Tuning components, EXPLAIN, SQL Trace and TKPROF, SQL*Plus AUTOTRACE. Students also learn to influence the behavior of the Optimizer by changing the physical schema and modifying SQL statement syntax.

    This course counts towards the Hands-on course requirement for the Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certification. Only instructor-led inclass or instructor-led online formats of this course will meet the Certification Hands-on Requirement. Self Study CD-Rom and Knowledge Center courses are excellent study and reference tools but DO NOT meet the Hands-on Requirement for certification.

    • Describe the basic steps in processing SQL statements
    • Describe the causes of performance problems
    • Understand where SQL tuning fits in an overall tuning methodology
    • Describe Automatic SQL Tuning
    • Use the diagnostic tools to gather information about SQL statement processing
    • Understand Optimizer behavior
    • Influence the optimizer behavior
    • Influence the physical data model so as to avoid performance problems.

    Overview of Database architecture
    • Listing the SQL Statement Processing Steps
    • Identifying Means to Minimize Parsing
    • Stating the Use of Bind Variables
    Following a Tuning Methodology
    • Describing the Causes of Performance Problems
    • Identifying Performance Problems
    • Using a Tuning Methodology
    Designing Applications for performance
    • Oracle Methodology
    • Understanding Scalability
    • System Architecture
    • Application Design Principles
    • Deploying New Applications
    Introducing the optimizer
    • Describe the functions of the Oracle optimizer Identify the factors that the optimizer considers when it selects an execution plan Set the optimizer approach at the instance and session level
    • Use dynamic sampling
    Optimizer Operations
    • Execution plans
    • Types of Joins
    Displaying Execution plans
    • Using the EXPLAIN PLAN Command
    • Interpreting EXPLAIN Output
    • Interpreting AUTOTRACE Statistics
    Gathering Statistics
    • Using the DBMS_STATS Package
    • Identifying Table, Column, and Index Statistics
    • Building Histograms
    Application Tracing
    • Statspack
    • End to End tracing
    • Invoking the SQL Trace Facility
    • Setting Up Appropriate Initialization Parameters
    • Formatting Trace Files with TKPROF
    • Interpreting the Output of the TKPROF Command
    Identifying High Load SQL
    • Use different methods to identify high-load SQL
    • ADDM
    • Top SQL
    • Dynamic Performance views
    • Statspack
    Automatic SQL Tuning
    • Query Optimizer Modes
    • Types of Tuning Analysis
    • SQL Tuning Advisor
    • SQL Tuning Sets
    • Top SQL
    Introduction to Indexes
    • Identifying Row Access Methods
    • Creating B-Tree Indexes
    • Understanding B-Tree Index Access and Index Merging
    Advanced Indexes
    • Using Bitmapped Indexes
    • Using Function-Based Key Indexes
    Optimizer Hints and Plan Stability
    • Using Hints
    • Purpose and Benefits of Optimizer Plan Stability
    Materialized Views and Temporary Tables
    Perfil Relator
    • Especialista en Ciencias de la Informática y SW Oracle
    • Certificación en los temas de la especialidad Oracle correspondiente a cada curso
    • Experiencia en Consultoría

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